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Lange Medical Terminology for Pharmacy Flash Cards


Lange Medical Terminology for Pharmacy Flash Cards

by Laressa Bethishou, Clark D. Kebodeaux
September 2022

Memorization and understanding of medical terminology is essential in pharmacy practice. As members of the healthcare team, pharmacists must be familiar with medical terminology. This requires a strong grasp of terms; medical therapies, including mechanism of action; dosing and dose adjustments; drug interaction; proper administration; and adverse effects and precautions. Medical Terminology for Pharmacy Flash Cards focuses on the top medical terminology pharmacy students need to know.

To best support pharmacy students in their journey towards becoming medication experts, the flash cards are closely aligned with McGraw Hill's Top 300 Drug Cards. Each card features a medical term, definition, word parts, pronunciation, and clinical pearls. The cards scan be filtered based on categories, such as administration cards, cardiology cards, and infectious disease cards.

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