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Veterinary Guide, 2nd Edition كتاب المرشد البيطري


Veterinary Guide, 2nd Edition

by Mohamed Kamal Derbala
April 2013

This book is intended to be an easy and rapid veterinary manual for all veterinarians. It includes four branches; veterinary internal medicine. infectious diseases, veterinary surgery and veterinary theriogenology. It is also provided with some picture for common diseases in Egyptian veterinary field.

In addition, key of differential diagnosis and list of veterinary and human drugs used in veterinary practice. On the other hand, the most important information is written in Arabic language to be very clear to the veterinarians. In other words, this book meets most needs for all veterinarians.

In this second edition of the Veterinary Guide book, which contains internal and infectious diseases, anesthesia, general surgery, reproductive medicine, and reproductive ultrsonography.

PDF 67.9 Mb
