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Laminitis: A Horse-Centred Approach


Laminitis: A Horse-Centred Approach

by Richard Vialls
September 2019

Laminitis, a horse-centred approach describes in depth the current mainstream thinking on laminitis and suggests ways of reframing our understanding of this challenging condition. New thinking based on putting the horse at the centre of the problem is presented, allowing a better understanding of the biomechanics of laminitis. The book suggests ways in which damaged feet can recover, and also helps the reader to understand the pathological processes within the horse as a whole that lead to laminitis occurring, starting with an understanding of the horse’s innate ability to heal itself and working towards interventions that create an environment that is conducive to healing. The book also explores the concept that laminitis, rather than being a disease in its own right, is merely a symptom of a range of underlying health problems that affect the whole horse.

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